Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Machine

Gladly I would like to write as well.
There she stands brave and brushed.
“Yes rupturing we’re there together.
whenever the—‘Person’—the people see”
I would like to write, you willing
when they see that she goes.

Translated by Gary Sullivan and Oya Ataman.

* * *

Die Maschine

Gerne möchte ich auch schreiben.
Da sie brav und bürstig steht.
»Ja da brechen wir zusammen.
wenn der—»Mensch«—die Menschen sieht«
schreiben möchte ich, dich gerne
wenn sie sehen, daß sie geht.

* * *


In an earlier draft I had "mensch" instead of "people," but that just seemed unnecessarily cute.

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