Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Rain

The rain is teary
The rain is bleak and wet
It doesn't rain for you people!
The rain then goes a bit dryly.
The rain is tat—
for every hat.

Translated by Gary Sullivan.

* * *

Der Regen

Der Regen ist tränig
Der Regen ist kahl und feucht
Es regnet nicht für euch Leut!
Dann geht der Wint etwas föhnig.
Der Regen ist gut—
für jeden Hut.

* * *


"Der Hut," which means "hat" in German, can also mean "titfer," as in "tit for tat." I wanted to keep the simple, but amusing, rhyme in the last couplet, so I translated "gut" as "tat"--in context it seems to work well. Also, seems like the sound of rain on a hat.

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