Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Angel.

The angel flies in the sky
The angel is beautiful.
The angel has wings.
The angel behaves.
The well-behaved angel flies high as the
is the angel on the ground.
The angel hears good singing.
He can sing it also.
The angel has it good.

Translated by Gary Sullivan.

* * *

Der Engel.

Der Engel fliegt im Himmel
Der Engel ist schön.
Der Engel hat Flügel.
Der Engel ist brav.
Der artige Engel fliegt hoch als der
ist der Engel am Boden.
Der Engel hört gut singen.
Singen kann er es auch.
Der Engel hat es gut.

* * *


I'm not sure about the third- and second-to-last lines. Google searches in German of "hört gut singen" come up with nothing, leading me to suspect it's an oddly phrased line.


Anonymous said...

"hört gut singen" is odd, but correct; it would puzzle German readers but you could gather that it either means "he hears well that there is singing" or that he "hears that there is good singing" - the "gut" hovering ambivalently between "hört" (hört gut: hears well) and the "singen" (gut singen: good singing); it is not grammatically incorrect in German as - I suppose - is the English version. The second-to-last line sounds quite normal in German: "He can also sing it" - with a stress (by word order) on "Singen" (the "it" being without clear reference, though)

There is a typo, I guess, in the German line "Der artige Engel fliegt hoch as der Himmel"? (the as does not make sense)

Gary said...

Ekkehard, I think you are the angel!

You're right about the typo, it should be "als." I've made the change ...

I've also changed the second and third to last lines, as per what you've suggested.

Ten thousand thanks!