Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Maternal

Love of nature is maternal.
Nature is love of the mother.
Thou shalt be self so says nature
Fire is the frying pan of nature.

Translated by Gary Sullivan and Ekkehard Knörer.

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Das Mütterliche

Die Liebe zur Natur ist das Mütterliche.
Die Natur ist die Liebe zur Mutter.
Du sollst selber sein so sagt die Natur
Der Regen ist die Traufe zur Natur.

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I'm reasonably certain that "Du sollst selber sein" is not a normal thing to say in German; one would maybe say it "Du sollst dich selber sein." So "Thou shalt be self" rather than the expected "Thou shalt be thyself."

UPDATE: Based on Ekkehard's comment about the German idiom "vom Regen in die Traufe," I've rewritten the last line.


Anonymous said...

You are right about "du sollst selber sein"; in a more usual phrasing it would be "du sollst du selber sein"

in the last line there is a German idiom moving underneath the literal meaning: "vom Regen in die Traufe" kommen is an idiom that would be translated as "out of the frying pan into the fire"; i'm not really sure how present that idiom is in herbeck's poem, but it would be the first association for a native speaker

Gary said...

Ah, thank you, Ekkehard. I definitely want to do something with the idiom in English.

Back to the drawing board!

Gary said...

I wonder if the simplest solution might not be:

"The fire is the frying pan of nature."

Will give this some thought ...