Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yellow is the sand of the earth
Yellow is the color of the bronze forests.
Yellow is the hearts of flowers.
Yellow are the asters.
Yellow is the meadow. of money.
the franc is yellow. — brunette.
i have seen a yellow franc.
yellow is for example my pencil.

Translated by Gary Sullivan.

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Gelb ist der Sand der Erde.
Gelb ist die Farbe der Ehernen Wälder.
Gelb ist die Herzen der Blumen.
Gelb sind die Astern.
Gelb ist das Feld. das Geld.
der Franc ist gelb. – brünett.
ich habe einen gelben Franc gesehen.
gelb ist zum Beispiel mein Pencil.

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I've italicized the two words in English that appear in italics in the German publication. While it is most likely that Herbeck underlined, rather than italicized (see "Morning" for an example of a poem in his original handwriting), I've decided to remain true to the poems as they were published. Italics are used consistently throughout Herbeck's publications in German, except in the the book Bebende Herzen im Leibe der Hunde, where emphasized words are underlined.

"Feld" would be more accurately translated "field," which I had before. But "meadow" works, and does what "field" does not: it picks up the "ow" from "yellow" and the "m" from "money," which are at least, perhaps even more, important.

"of money" because if it were not for that period, one would read the line:

"Gelb ist das Feld das Geld" as "Yellow is the field [or area] of money."

Even with the period, I'm arguing, the temptation is there to read it this way. (And, Herbeck throws down periods in the middle of statements elsewhere.)

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