Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Der Traum.

Der Traum war um Mitternacht-.
als ich gerade tief im Schlafe war,
fuhr ich mit 2 Rössern im Trabe eine
Strasse hinauf. Der Pferde pusteten.
Ich traf im Straßenzuge einige
Buben. Schnell flogen die Häuser
vorbei. Der eine war mir nahe
und trieb meine Sehenskraft gegen
meine Seele. Die Sonne schien.
die Schnell in die Ruhe zurück-
fuhr und ich erwachte.


[This poem has not yet been translated.]


Phanero Noemikon said...

Here's mine Gary..

The Dream

The dream was at midnight
as I fell deep asleep: I joined
2 horses in a jog up the street.
The horses chuffed, surpised
by some streetcar toughs, then
the horses quickly bolted, and
vanished. The nearer struck this
vision's wave against my being.
The sun now blazed, but darting
back to tranquility, I awoke
to continue on.

Gary said...

Great, Lanny ... I like the "streetcar toughs" especially.


Phanero Noemikon said...

I wonder if it could go

'stretched into a profound slumber'

to get that 'gerade tief'

into a less vernacular mood?

I really want to see your translation
or some translation because I still
dont get exactly the sense of this.

is it very solipsistic?
this selection of one horse
to ignite his vision.

Phanero Noemikon said...

and maybe pusteten should be


I just thought chuffed sounded more horsey and also outsiderish..

Gary said...

I like "chuffed" best.