Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The lilac stands in the garden.
so thick and tall outside.
the mother sees the flowers flower.
and into the time inside.
there it was done with whistles and bells.
the world looked different out.

Translated by Gary Sullivan and Oya Ataman.

* * *

Der Flieder steht im Garten.
so dicht und hoch hinaus.
die Mutter sieht die Blumen blühn.
und in die Zeit hinein.
da war es aus mit drum und dran.
die Welt sah anders aus.

* * *


When I showed Oya my initial attempt at this:

The lilac stands in the garden.
so thick and tall outside.
the mother sees the flowers flower.
and into the time inside.
there it was with its down and around.
the world looks different now.

... Oya suggested a number of changes. For instance, I had not then known that "mit [alles] drum und dran" was a figure of speech, much like our own "with all the bells and whistles. " It was hard to let go of that first draft, but I think we've got the present version up to some level of snuff.

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